Joint seminar: AAU Environmental Humanities Cluster and CEH
How is research in the environmental humanities is developing at different institutions? The AAU Environmental Humanities Cluster (Dept. of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University) has invited CEH for a joint seminar
Info about event
Lokale 5.237, Rendsburggade 14, 9000 Aalborg + Zoom (CEH will provide transportation from AU to AAU)
If you are interested in joining, please reach out to CEH at as soon as possible. We would love to have a diversity of participants from the AU CEH community!
About the seminar: As the environmental humanities are gaining traction as a new area of research and teaching, new possibilities for exchanging knowledge and experiences across institutions are emerging. In this light, the Environmental Humanities Cluster (EHC) at Aalborg University (Dept. of Communication and Psychology) will facilitate a series of seminars with researchers working within the environmental humanities at other Northern European universities. We will kick off the series with a seminar with colleagues affiliated to the Center for Environmental Humanities (CEH) at Aarhus University. We aim for a format in which short presentations will introduce a number of selected themes, guiding research at respectively the CEH and within the EHC. In this way, the presentations are meant to provide participants with an overview of how research in the environmental humanities is developing at both institutions.