Aarhus University Seal

Semester startup event, incl. CEH TALK with Ginevra Carbone

To mark the start of the new semester, we invite all centre affiliates, friends, and interested parties to the first CEH TALK of the fall. Afterwards, CEH hosts an informal social gathering concluding with dinner in the city centre for those interested.

Info about event


Monday 9 September 2024,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Building 1483, room 220 (Nobelparken)



As per tradition, commemorating the beginning of the new semester, CEH is happy to invite all centre affiliates, friends, and interested parties to an equally academic and social "welcome back" event on the afternoon of Monday September 9.

The program is as follows:

From 14:00-16:00, we will have the first CEH TALK of the semester. This time we welcome visiting postgraduate student Ginevra Carbone who will present a draft for the PhD project proposal she is currently developing during her stay at CEH. In short, the project concerns the reorganisation practices and strategies of waste pickers in Porte Alegre, southern Brazil, in response to the floods that have recently devastated the region and exacerbated their social vulnerability. To help Ginevra develop the best possible application before deadline in early October, we hope to see many of our affiliated scholars present, as feedback and inputs are most welcome and appreciated. You can read more about Ginevra's initial project ideas here.

Please note that digital copies of Ginevra's draft will be distributed at the event. We, therefore, kindly ask all participants to bring a laptop or tablet to talk if possible (but not a requirement as physical copies will be avaiable, too).

Following the presentation, CEH will host a small, informal reception from 16:00-17:00 with drinks and snacks provided — a perfect opportunity for mingling and catching up following the summer break.

For anyone interested, we will conclude with dinner somewhere downtown. Please be aware that dinner will be at your own expense. We hope many of you will want to join. 

Everyone — including students — is most welcome at the event.

We have many more activities in the pipeline for the fall semester, so please do make sure to check our website regularly and subscribe to our newsletter which is the very best and easiest way of staying updated on our acitivities.