Aarhus University Seal

Call for Papers – Interdisciplinary Workshop

Towards a History of Paleoclimatology: Changing roles and shifting scales in climate sciences. Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 6-7 Sept 2017

Organised by Dania Achermann and Simone Rödder in cooperation with the CliSAP Centre of Excellence "Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction", Universität Hamburg and the Centre for Environmental Humanities, Aarhus University


The climate of the past is a fundamental part of today’s climate research. Paleoclimatological data from the archives of nature serve to calibrate climate models and inform current knowledge about future climate changes. Historian of science Matthias Dörries argues that paleoclimatology gained political relevance by writing a "history of the deep past" by which it also influences the interpretation of the present; it helped to fill the Earth’s history with concrete climate events (Dörries 2015: 25). But how did the study of this "deep past" become such a crucial pillar of modern climate science? How has it impacted the very notion of ‘climate’, and what were the consequences for both, paleoclimatological and climate science practices? It is the goal of this workshop to tackle these and related questions in an interdisciplinary setting.


See more in attached pdf.