Aarhus University Seal

Centre for Environmental Humanities receives interdisciplinary network funding

The Centre for Environmental Humanities (CEH) has been awarded a total of DKK 274.135 by the Committee for Research and External Cooperation at Aarhus University to grow its scope and scale. This expansion will be led by CEH Deputy Director Heather Swanson.

Heather Swanson

Established in February 2017 through start-up funding from the School of Culture and Society, CEH links scholars whose research on environmental topics forces them to work across long-standing conceptual and institutional divides between nature/culture and sciences/arts.

A globally expanding field, the environmental humanities has emerged from questions about how the humanities might better contribute to efforts to address environmental concerns. Inspired by this movement, CEH aims to provide a forum where scholars – from the humanities as well as the sciences – can develop deeper dialogues across disciplinary differences, a practice that the CEH leaders see as essential to confronting the complexities of environmental issues.

The interdisciplinary network funding will support a number of CEH activities in 2018, including guest speakers, workshops, collaborative publications, and a conference.

 “Centre for Environmental Humanities is a new initiative, and we are very grateful for this funding, which will make it possible for us to both stregthen interdisiplinary environmental scholarship at AU and reach out to environmental humanities programs in other countries,” says Heather Swanson. “There is so much exciting work already taking place at AU, and this funding will allow us to better find and talk to each other.”

The Centre for Environmental Humanities (CEH) was established in February 2017.

The network’s other core members are Felix Riede (CEH Director, Department of Archeology), John Thøgersen (Department of Management ), Matthias Heymann ( Department of Mathematics - Science Studies), and Simon Elsborg Nygaard ( Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences).

Assistant Professor Heather Swanson
Department of Anthropology / Centre for Environmental Humanities, Aarhus University
Mail: ikshswanson@cas.au.dk
Phone: +4587462954