Aarhus University Seal

New Environmental Humanities Network

DFF/FKK-funded network titled “The Network for Global Justice and the Environmental Humanities: Transformative engagements between academia and civil society”

We are pleased to launch a new DFF/FKK-funded network titled “The Network for Global Justice and the Environmental Humanities: Transformative engagements between academia and civil society.” The network is a collaboration across Roskilde, Aalborg, and Aarhus universities and will include a number of activities over the next 3 years. For more information about the overall network, please see the further description below. We are currently building a new network website.

We will launch the network?on 11 March from 13:30-15:30?with a brief presentation of upcoming plans and ways to get involved, along with an opening discussion about activist-academic interfaces sparked by two readings. We welcome anyone who is interested to join in the event (more information on readings and registration here).

If you are unable to join this first event, due to the regrettably short notice, we heartily welcome you to the second reading group on 16 April 2021 from 13:30-15:30, as well as to the network’s first workshop on 25 May 2021 from 10:30 to 15:30 (both online). Mark those dates in your calendar with registration information to come soon. 

More information about the overall network:

This network will orchestrate a set of conversations on global environmental justice at the intersection of academia and civil society (focusing on activists and NGOs). It seeks to strengthen the environmental humanities in Denmark and its links to civil society, while also developing tools and concepts for a new public environmental humanities that connects Denmark to the world. Through the lens of global justice, the network seeks to probe and redefine the boundaries between scholarly and societal engagement by inquiring into new modes of intervention and by underscoring the real-world relevance of humanistic renderings of human- nonhuman entanglements in times of global ecological crisis. The application is grounded in two complementary ideas: 1) that the humanities would be theoretically enriched by more engagement with newly emerging forms of environmental civil society engagement; 2) that humanities scholars have much that they could be contributing to public environmental debates.

Netværkets mål er at tilvejebringe samtaler og dialog om global miljøretfærdighed i skæringspunktet mellem den akademiske verden og civilsamfundsorganisationer, særligt aktivister og NGOer. Hensigten er at styrke miljøhumaniora i Danmark og miljøhumanioras forbindelse til civilsamfundet. I den forbindelse vil netværket udvikle værktøjer og begreber rettet mod en ny samfundsrettet miljø-humaniora og herigennem forbinde Danmark med verden. Med fokus på global retfærdighed, udforsker og omdefinerer netværket grænserne mellem videnskabernes og civilsamfundets involvering i miljø- og omstillingsproblematikker. Netværket undersøger nye interventionsformer og understreger derigennem humanioras centrale placering i forhold til at begrebsliggøre og synliggøre den økologiske krises komplekse samspil mellem det humane og den non-humane omverden. Netværket bygger på to komplementære ideer: 1) At humaniora bliver teoretisk beriget gennem kontakt og samarbejde med aktuelle former for miljøaktivisme og civilsamfundsengagement; 2) At humanistisk forskning kan bidrage til offentlige miljødebatter og omstillingstiltag.

Best wishes from the network core group,

Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen, AAU

Mikkel Fugl Eskjær, AAU (Cph)

Georg Fischer, AU

Stefan Jacobsen, RUC

Malayna Raftopoulos, AAU

Heather Swanson, AU