New face at CEH: Elliot Hurst
Visiting PhD Scholar

Elliot Hurst is a visiting PhD scholar at the Centre for Environmental Humanities. Elliot is a hydronation PhD student at the University of Stirling, Scotland. He traces his interest in water to his childhood spent on a farm in Aotearoa New Zealand. His PhD research takes an interdisciplinary approach, with theoretical grounding in (more-than-)human geography, political ecology and STS. Working with constructed wetland projects in India and Scotland, he examines how these projects transform water quality and create habitat. He is interested in exploring how critical water scholarship can engage with natural science methods, particularly in the domains of water quality, hydrology and wetland ecology. Elliot's academic pathway began with a Bachelor degree in civil engineering, focusing on hydrology and hydraulics. He then studied a Master in Ecohydrology. Outside of academia he has worked as an engineer on flood modelling, and been active in Scottish and New Zealand climate justice movements. During his time in Aarhus he is looking forward to developing the connections between his research and environmental humanities scholarship. He is also excited to explore the local waterscape.